Topic outline



    CDN’s Staff Board Member workshop is part of every college staff member’s wider induction into college governance.

    Each workshop will consist of 2 x 2 hour online sessions and participants need to attend both to complete the full induction.

    Staff board members do not need to attend the core board induction and the staff member workshop.

    The Staff Board Member Workshop will provide staff board members with an induction into their role as an effective board member of their college.

    The sessions will focus on developing high performing teams within the board, skills and techniques to add the most value to the board in their role, managing conflicts of interest, legal duties and responsibilities, and how to be an effective board member.

    Staff board members will hear from Education Scotland on how they can play a vital role in helping their Boards to focus on the quality of the student experience, including making the most of the Education Scotland Quality Framework, How Good is our College, and ensuring the right sources of assurance are available to board members.

    The sessions will also set out what further training and support is provided to board members such as the CDN Governance Hub, and how the sector drives forward good governance more broadly.

    Who should attend

    The staff board member induction workshops are designed specifically for new staff board members to develop their understanding of governance in the college sector, and the roles and responsibilities of a board member.

    To view the full programme for the event please click here.

    Workshop dates and registration link

    Tuesday 10 and Wednesday 11 November -